Policy paper “Youth Guarantee Deployment in the Western Balkans, an Institutional set-up and a perspective from youth organizations“

About the policy paper:

Through this paper CY aims to:

(a) inform youth in the region regarding the Youth Guarantee scheme and the benefits arising from its implementation,

(b) encourage youth councils and youth umbrella organizations to assess and contribute to the institutional set-up,

(c) flag out key areas for further attention while the institutional mechanisms are being built to ensure different sectors are involved in the institutional set-up,

(d) highlight synergies with other regional/EU-supported initiatives when it comes to youth involvement in sectoral policy making.

Read here our Policy Paper.

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This paper is part of the series of assessments carried out by Connecting Youth platform. In 2021, Connecting Youth published the position paper “What’s in for youth in EIP?”, which highlighted the need for information and on EU-led development agendas targeting youth. The series of publications will be followed by the position paper “Sectoral employment opportunities for youth in the WB6”.

The paper is based on the direct input and the local perspective of Connecting Youth partners2 in WB6, in relation to the only flagship project directly targeting youth, i.e. Youth Guarantee, and the related developments on the institutional set-up and the current youth organizations’ involvement in this process.


About the platform:

CY stands for Connecting Youth . CY is a grassroots regional youth platform implemented by Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI), together with the umbrella youth organizations of the six Western Balkans Countries – National Youth Congress of Albania, National Youth Council of Macedonia, National Youth Council of Serbia, High School Students Union of Montenegro, Central Youth Action Council of Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina Association for United Nations -, and with the support of Hanns Seidel Foundation.

With the aim to promote youth connectivity in the Balkans, the platform offers a unique and tailor-made space to youngsters from the region where they meet, plan, organise, implement and voice up their action. In CY youngsters can find partners for joint activities, design and implement joint initiatives, exchange ideas, consult a youth library, and built and carry outreach and lobbying action. CY is designed to function as a resource center for youth in the Western Balkans.

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